The Colorado Independent,2020
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Tag: Environment/Energy
In long run-up to 2012, Gardner draws heat for anti-environmental record
Al Gore calls B.S. on corporate polluters
With Congress gridlocked on climate legislation, environmental groups forge ahead
Despite the Gulf oil spill, a massive pipeline break in Michigan and broad concerns about global warming, ambitious climate-change and energy legislation is likely dead for the year. That poses a conundrum, going forward, for environmentalists: How to convince lawmakers of the need for legislation to sever the country’s decades-long ties to oil and to reform energy policy more generally?
Wash Post paints with numbers the oil industry lawmaker-lobbyist circuit in...
Udall nuke-worker bill stalls; another widow denied compensation
Boulder resident Bo Fellinger is disgusted. She recently discovered that the Department of Labor yet again denied her husband Michael’s claim to compensation for chronic lung disease. Fellinger doesn't have a good word to say about the department or its Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program (EEOICPA). Her husband, a grad student at the Ames Laboratory in Iowa, died of lung failure in 2008 at age 62, his claim shuttled back and forth among bureaucrats for nearly four years.