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Tag: elizabeth warren

Littwin: Who’s in a bigger panic, a Warren-stricken Bloomberg or an...

It was a long while coming, but I believe we have now officially moved into the early-panic stage of the Democratic presidential primary. This...

Littwin: The pre-impeachment presidential rankings are in. And the leader is,...

Once upon a time, there was a Democratic presidential primary season that often dominated the news cycle, particularly on debate days. And sometimes even...

How a small Colorado college is helping its undocumented students pay...

About five years ago, the administration of Colorado Mountain College, one of the state’s smaller colleges, decided to try to boost its enrollment of...

Littwin: Dem debates haven’t mattered much so far, and it may...

It was another big debate night, and the key question after it was finally over is whether these debates, particularly one with 12 people...

Littwin: Big day in Colorado for establishment Dems, the Hick effect...

There were a couple of major stories in Colorado Democratic politics Friday, and, in both cases, old-school Dems easily won the day. They left...

Littwin: History says change is coming in Dem race, but latest...

The real news from the Houston debate was not Joe Biden’s overpraised performance. He was OK for the first hour, not so much after...

Littwin: To beat Trump, Dems need a candidate who understands political...

As you’ve no doubt heard, two of the three leading Democratic primary contenders, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, are both embracing Medicare4All, which some...

The Colorado Sun turns one — and more news from across...

Last summer, when writing about a new kind of local journalism business model in Colorado, I wrote: "In 1833, The New York Sun revolutionized journalism as a pioneer of...

Leading Democratic presidential candidates say they will boost teacher diversity. Here’s...

Teacher diversity wasn’t an explicit part of either Hillary Clinton’s or Bernie Sanders’ platforms in the lead-up to the 2016 election. But as 2020 approaches,...

Littwin: Booker and Warren (who wasn’t there) win debate while Bennet...

On the second night of the second round of Democratic debates, the clear winners were Cory Booker, who arrived just in time, and Elizabeth...