The Colorado Independent,2020
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Tag: Elections
Why Jon Keyser is trying to sue his way onto the...
Republican establishment golden boy former state Rep. Jon Keyser isn’t backing down from his efforts to run in the U.S. Senate race, even though...
Some counties charge thousands of dollars for public inspection of voted-ballot...
This story first appeared on the Colorado Freedom of Information Coalition website.
The public can inspect voted ballots in Colorado. So says a state Court of...
Homebrew: Cory Gardner for vice president?
Vice president
Guess which Colorado politician Rollcall's Stuart Rothenberg writes might have a shot for vice president? For once, it's not Hickenlooper. "Don't laugh," Rothernberg says: It's Cory Gardner.
With JeffCo recall looming, Americans for Prosperity organizes for “school choice”
Regardless of the outcome of the recall…
That was the mantra repeated on Sunday by the politicians, school board candidates and conservative education reformers attending...
Jeffco Board of Ed recall’s on; campaigns are heating up
This article was updated August 27.
The recall for three controversial Jefferson County School Board members is on. This week, Jefferson County Clerk and...
Last cash dash reported by GOP primary candidates for governor
Republican candidates for governor of Colorado have yet to out-raise moderate Democratic incumbent John Hickenlooper, or differentiate themselves from each other with a fundraising mega-haul.
Talk radio: Tancredo calls on governors to ‘confront’ the feds
Tom Tancredo loves to talk. And as time is ticking toward the upcoming June 24th Republican primary election, he's taking all the free talk...
Senate works to keep military bases open; House to employ veterans
Notes from the 99th day of the 2014 legislative session.
Gessler history of fighting unpaid election fines hovers over proposed rule...
Colorado Secretary of State Scott Gessler, according to the Denver Post, will be proposing a new set of rules that would waive or reduce a significant number of campaign finance fines for political committees that fail to file disclosure reports. As an elections law attorney for primarily conservative causes, Gessler represented groups that either flat-out failed to register with the secretary of state and later engaged in electioneering activity or failed to file disclosure reports – sometimes for years. Now he tells the Post he’ll roll out rules in the next few weeks that will make it easier to reduce or waive such fines.