The Colorado Independent,2020
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Tag: DPs
New state law forces Denver to change course on its ‘early...
A change in state law meant to rein in the cost of Colorado high schools that allow students to stay longer to earn college...
What’s in a school lunch? A Denver district wants parents to...
To show parents the days of microwaved chicken nuggets and jiggly fruit cocktail are over, Denver school district officials have produced a how-to cooking...
Second try $20M Denver Schools bill survives kill committee
In a near-overnight partisan flip-flop, the Senate State Affairs Committee voted 3-2 today to pass a second effort at adjusting the amount of money Denver...
Senate Republicans bury windfall $20M per year for Denver public schools
Denver public schools Wednesday afternoon lost $20 million a year that would have funneled directly into classrooms.
The windfall would have come without lawmakers passing...
VIDEO: Bennet says Times got DPS deal wrong
The New York Times waded into the Colorado Democratic U.S. Senate primary Thursday with a lengthy investigative piece detailing a flashy Denver Public Schools interest-swap refinance deal brokered in part by U.S. Senator Michael Bennet as superintendent. The Times story of a stacked transaction that produced windfall profits for the banks but catastrophe for the schools has given new life to questions raised by Bennet detractors about his relationship to big money. The Bennet campaign says the Times simply got the story wrong.