The Colorado Independent,2020
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Tag: Don Marostica
Just don’t be touching our highway funds!
Turns out Rep. Don Marostica, R-Loveland, wasn't lying when he said there was room in the state House to negotiate on SB 228, the controversial budget reform bill he is co-sponsoring with Sen. John Morse, D-Colorado Springs.
As the Denver Post reported Tuesday, the bill, which passed out of the senate last week, is headed in the House directly to the Transportation and Energy Committee, a revealing legislative path.
Birth control bill survives poison pill amendment
Colorado House Republicans failed in their attempt Friday to modify the Birth Control Protection Act that would re-define pregnancy as at the moment of conception.
During the floor debate, bill co-sponsor Rep. Anne McGihon (D-Denver) derided the wrecking amendment offered by Rep. Don Marostica (R-Loveland) as a back door tactic to grant "personhood" to fertilized eggs.
Senate hurdles cleared; dealmaking awaits budget reform bill in House
Directly after his budget reform bill cleared the State Senate on Tuesday with a 21-14 party-line vote on Tuesday, sponsor John Morse, D-Colorado Springs, joined supporters in the Capitol's west lobby to celebrate its passage and rally support for the tough battle that awaits it in the House.
Budget reform bill to pass out of Senate; supporters rally
After more than a week of delays and backstage negotiation, today may be the day controversial Colorado budget reform bill SB 228 passes out of the Senate and makes its way to the House. If the last few weeks are any guide, the bill will likely spark legislative fireworks on both sides of the aisle.
Depending on the Senate schedule, the bill's sponsor, Sen. John Morse, D-Colorado Springs, and a growing list of supporters are planning a noon rally at the Capitol either to send the bill off to the House with a bang or to bolster support for its passing in the Senate. Outspoken Republican Rep. Don Marostica, R-Loveland, who sits on the Joint Budget Committee, is SB 228's House sponsor and plans to attend the rally with Morse today.
Budget reform bill moves from center-stage to smoke-filled rooms
What happened to Colorado budget reform bill 228? After reframing the debate on the state budget, energizing lawmakers for and against, spawning a GOP Senate filibuster and thrashing the voice of sponsor Sen. John Morse, D-Colorado Springs, SB 228 slipped offstage -- reportedly to star in back-room bargaining sessions.
Time to modernize Colorado’s fiscal landscape
Colorado has one of the most complex fiscal systems in the entire country. We are not, in our current form, adequately suited to deal with ever-changing economic realities. The Colorado General Assembly is currently debating a bill, Senate Bill 228, that would repeal an outdated budget formula and untie the state’s hands to get us out of the recession more quickly.
Budget reform bill weathers GOP filibuster, clears another hurdle
Senate Bill 228, Democratic Senator John Morse's controversial budget reform legislation, received key preliminary approval late last night after a 10-hour Republican filibuster that, for all its passion, never seriously threatened passage of the bill.
Senate members on both sides of the aisle agreed SB 228 was among the most important laws they would consider and would have ramifications on Colorado governance for years to come, amounting to a "sea change," as state Sen. Keith King, R-Colorado Springs, described it, in the way tax revenues would be spent.
Ayn Rand stars at Denver stimulus ‘tea party’ protest
One hundred enthusiastic Atlas Shrugged fans braved chilly temperatures on the east steps of the Colorado capitol Friday as part of a nationwide "tea party" protest to rail against the federal stimulus package and the government, in general.
Beyond the typical conservative-Libertarian rhetoric was some practical advice on how to "shrug these parasites off our backs" like opening a black market in your own garage.
Republican action heroes
In honor of state Rep. Don Marostica (R-Loveland) and his lone, epic battle among his GOP colleagues to bring fiscal sanity to the state budget.
Marostica set to weather Republican storm over budget legislation
Even in these catastrophic economic times, it's difficult to imagine the kind of fresh politics it would take to successfully loosen the corseted Colorado budget.
Yet that's what we were treated to Thursday in Denver.