The Colorado Independent,2020
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Tag: DNC Convention
No prostitution arrests during DNC
Despite a warning about the influx of prostitutes and johns coming to the Denver area Aug. 25-28 for the Democratic National Convention, Denver police made no prostitution-related arrests during the last week in August.
DNC protest groups to sue city of Denver, police officers
Re-create 68 protesters and other activists plan to file suit against the city of Denver and the Denver police department for violating their constitutional rights during the Democratic National Convention.
Conventions highlight gaps in ethics laws
It was one of the chief vows of the Democratic Party as it took control of both congressional chambers in 2007: to sever the cozy relationships between lobbyists and lawmakers brought to light by the Jack Abramoff scandals.
McCain beats Obama — in the ratings
John McCain's speech Thursday night drew 500,000 more viewers than Barack Obama's record-setting speech a week earlier, Nielsen Media Research reports. More than 38.9 million watched McCain accept the Republican nomination for president on eight networks, according to preliminary television ratings.
Verizon: Cell traffic through the roof at DNC
Can you hear me now ... hello? ... you're breaking up
Verizon Wireless reports cell phone traffic increased by almost 10 million calls and transmissions on its network around the Democratic National Convention in Denver last week. The phone company bolstered capacity near the Pepsi Center with three additional cell towers and even put a mobile "Cell on Wheels" on the streets.
Court docs: Suicide mission planned in plot to kill Obama at...
Denver's 9NEWS reports the FBI asked for more serious charges to be filed against at least one of the suspects arrested last week in a suspected plot to kill Barack Obama during the Democratic National Convention. Federal court documents obtained by reporter Jace Larson describe a plot to assassinate Obama in a suicide mission using a gun hidden inside a camera.
The convention gospel according to Lehrer and Rather
A lot has changed since the tumultuous conventions of 1968. Maverick journalists Dan Rather and Jim Lehrer lament the old days when political conventions were spontaneous and less immune to corporate influence. Both are searching for substance behind the spectacle.
More feds working state ‘fusion’ centers for conventions
The Department of Homeland Security is providing a boost to local intelligence operations during political conventions, sending in federal reinforcements to state “fusion” centers for on site support and communications with department headquarters in Washington D.C.
DNC protests fall flat
Late last year I had the horror of watching Chicago 10 at the Denver Film Festival. The movie combines animated sequences with archival footage of the 1968 riots at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, and it scared the hell out of me — especially with this year’s most outspoken protest group calling themselves “Recreate ’68.” But then … not a whole lot happened here Denver last week. What gives?
Read more of Jeff's commentaries: • Congratulations Colorado • Palins supports teaching creationism in schools • Who the heck is Sarah Palin? • Biden on Biden
Polls show post-DNC bounce fueling Obama lead
A Gallup daily tracking poll released Tuesday shows Democrat Barack Obama topping 50 percent support for the first time, adding to a lead that has been growing since his speech Thursday accepting the nomination at Denver's Invesco Field. Other polls tracking the presidential race over the weekend tally an Obama lead over John McCain by as many as 9 points, up from a virtual dead heat as the Democratic National Convention began last week.