The Colorado Independent,2020
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Tag: Diana Degette
DeGette rails against Solyndra subpoenas as ‘political sideshow’
Republicans on the House Energy and Commerce Committee today called for a subpoena of White House records regarding the half-billion dollar taxpayer loan guarantee of Solyndra, a move Rep. Diana DeGette, the ranking Democrat on the panel, blasted as “an act of irresponsible partisanship.”
EPA issues final research plan for studying impact of fracking on...
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today released a final research plan for its ongoing and congressionally mandated study of the controversial but common oil and gas drilling procedure known as hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking.”
DeGette to EPA: Companies used 500,000 gallons more diesel fuel in...
Colorado Congresswoman Diana DeGette, the ranking member of the House Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee, sent updated numbers to EPA administrator Lisa Jackson on Tuesday showing the use of diesel fuel in hydraulic fracturing fluid is more widespread than first discovered in an earlier investigation.
Udall, DeGette laud withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq by end...
Two Colorado congressional leaders who opposed the Iraq War in the beginning praised today’s announcement by President Barack Obama that American troops will be withdrawn by the end of the year.
EPA to regulate disposal of hydraulic fracturing wastewater
Officials for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency today announced plans to draft national standards for the treatment and disposal of tainted wastewater generated during the common oil and gas drilling process called hydraulic fracturing, or fracking.
DeGette calls out GOP on abortion strategy
Colorado US Rep Diana DeGette, head of the pro-choice caucus, characterized the discussion as an absurd extension of one that has been going on for fifteen years. She said the bill is being positioned by supporters as a ban on federal funding for abortion but what it really aims to do is make abortions for a large segment of the country effectively illegal.
Senators call for more stakeholder input on Thompson Divide energy play
Carbondale's denizens shouldn't have to lie down in front of bulldozers any time soon.
House engaged in heated debate over Protect Life anti-abortion bill
The debate presently underway on the floor of the House on House Bill 358 is about abortion but also about government overreach. Republicans who support Pennsylvania Rep. Joe Pitts' bill say the Affordable Care Act passed last year would force taxpayers to fund abortions and pro-life health workers to aid women who have had abortions or want abortions. Democrats say Republican lawmakers are forcing their views on women making personal decisions about their health and that the bill would make it very difficult for women, particularly poor women, to find even private insurance plans that provide coverage for abortion.
Ski area summer activities bill passes House, heads to Senate
The U.S. House of Representatives tonight passed the Ski Area Recreational Opportunity Enhancement Act (H.R.765) -- a bill with bipartisan support among Colorado’s congressional delegation. It’s aimed at increasing year-round employment at ski areas on public land by allowing more activities during summer months.
Ending abortion is the goal of those pushing Planned Parenthood investigation
An attorney for the group partially responsible for a recent congressional investigation into Planned Parenthood says the group has targeted the chain of health clinics as part of a strategy to end abortion.