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Tag: Department of Natural Resources

Colorado’s new Department of Natural Resources head talks oil and water...

Hundreds of men and women who work in the state’s oil and gas fields flocked to the state Capitol this week to protest a...

Colorado’s oil and gas regulatory agency – and other environmental programs...

Environmental and conservation programs, including the body that regulates Colorado's oil and gas industry, may see the cash influx they need to keep operating...

Bob Randall takes charge of the Department of Natural Resources

Bob Randall has been named the new executive director of the Colorado Department of Natural Resources, ending months of speculation about who would take...

Ritter names King to head up Department of Natural Resources

The Ritter administration Wednesday tapped Department of Natural Resources deputy director Mike King to take over for DNR executive director Jim Martin, who was...

CDPHE head Martin takes over for Sherman as natural resources director

Gov. Bill Ritter Monday announced Jim Martin, head of the Department of Public Health and Environment, will take over for Harris Sherman as executive...

Wildfire fuels debate on state versus national roadless rules

VAIL — A small but scary wildfire that broke out in the national forest above West Vail Friday afternoon perfectly underscored the ongoing debate between the state’s Department of Natural Resources and environmentalists over Colorado’s controversial roadless rule.

Despite federal ruling, Colorado sticks to its guns on roadless rule

While conservation groups called Wednesday’s federal appeals court decision reinstating the Clinton-era roadless rule a major victory, the state of Colorado contends its own revised rule is still a far more practical way of managing the state’s 4.2 million roadless acres. Mike King, deputy director of Colorado’s Department of Natural Resources, said Wednesday that the 2001 Clinton rule, which provided sweeping protections against road building on nearly 60 million acres of largely undeveloped public lands nationwide, did not take into consideration wildfire mitigation or other critical economic drivers.

Conservationists quick to criticize Colorado’s revised roadless rule

Starting Monday, environmentalists and sportsmen’s groups – as well anyone else concerned about Colorado’s roadless public lands-- were given another 60 days to comment...

Sherman mentioned for USDA post, but roadless rule could be roadblock

Harris Sherman, director of Colorado’s Department of Natural Resources, is being floated as a possible candidate for a Department of Agriculture undersecretary post that oversees the U.S. Forest Service and the Natural Resources and Conservation Service. But environmental groups are already casting doubt on the possible pick, questioning Sherman’s role in moving Colorado’s controversial roadless rule forward.