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Cain harassment news: Ah the cash, the laughs!

Herman Cain's presidential campaign is weathering mounting allegations of sexual harassment linked so far only to his tenure as the head of the National Restaurant Association, allegations tied to tens of thousands of dollars in payouts to his accusers. Republican voters, however, are mostly dismissing the story. They've filled Cain's campaign coffers with cash over the last two weeks and they booed the CNBC debate moderators who tried to bring up the scandal during last night's debate in Michigan. The harassment story has been a source of off-color jokes for conservative-politics pundits like Rush Limbaugh. And in Colorado, libertarian think tank funnyman Jon Caldera couldn't resist cracking wise on the topic in his weekly newsletter.

In Thursday night’s Fox GOP presidential debate, a snapshot of a...

Republicans won an historic number of Congressional seats in the midterm election just six months ago. Tonight Fox News is hosting the first 2012 GOP presidential primary election debate and it will feature something like the weakest early lineup of candidates in modern memory. Serious Republican strategists will be watching either in denial or in panic through fingers stretched across their eyes.

Buck expresses no regret for any offense to 2005 rape victim

Bringing a Denver Metro Chamber Chamber of Commerce candidate forum in Denver to a close Friday afternoon, ABC's Jake Tapper asked Weld County DA...

In guv debate, Tancredo reverses support for anti-tax initiatives

LOVELAND-- In a gubernatorial debate held here Friday by the Northeastern Colorado group Progressive 15, American Constitution Party candidate Tom Tancredo backed away from his earlier support of the "Bad Three" anti-tax ballot initiatives pushed by anti-government crusader Doug Bruce and heavily backed among the state's tea party voters.

Tancredo, Maes oppose bilingual ballots despite federal law

In a debate Thursday, the three gubernatorial candidates were asked whether Colorado should accommodate Spanish-speaking people by printing bilingual ballots. American Constitution Party candidate...

Maes vows to fight ‘culture war between people, machine’

DENVER -- The three candidates for governor met downtown today for a friendly debate. That’s right, there are three candidates still very much in the race, at least to hear them tell it. A relaxed, smiling, joking Dan Maes said he is in it until the end, or at least for as long as he is convinced “the people” want him in it.

McInnis, Dudley beat the heat in Aspen last week

Apparently Aspen is a great place to escape both the summer heat and the heat of a gubernatorial campaign experiencing some turbulence. Former Colorado congressman...

McInnis touts transparency, dodges media and ProgressNow

DENVER-- Progressive activist group ProgressNow called for greater transparency from Republican candidate for governor Scott McInnis Tuesday outside the Denver Athletic Club, where McInnis was scheduled to debate Democratic candidate and Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper. The group hoped to give McInnis a petition from nearly 2000 Coloradans asking him to disclose more of his personal financial history.

Bennet dismisses Romanoff campaign finance challenge

DENVER-- U.S. Senator Michael Bennet and his Democratic primary rival Andrew Romanoff met for a debate in Denver last night. There wasn't much debate. The main area of disagreement came when Romanoff challenged Bennet to decline to accept Political Action Committee, or special interest, campaign money. The challenge was expected. Romanoff, who has lagged seriously behind Bennet in fundraising for half a year, announced in January that he was eschewing PAC money. The campaign had returned PAC money it received in the fall. Bennet dismissed the challenge on stage and he dismissed it more fully in comments he made to the Colorado Independent after the debate ended. He characterized the challenge as not fully considered and opportunistic. He also said it was unrealistic, given the price tag of a political race where Republican rivals were unlikely to voluntarily limit their fundraising abilities.

Beauprez doesn’t recall Holtzman debates, despite wounds

Huh? Stating that he was confused by Scott McInnis's decision not to debate Josh Penry in the primary race to become the GOP Gubernatorial...