The Colorado Independent,2020
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VIDEO: Peter Brimelow attacks multiculturalism at CPAC
Latino Republican anti-bigotry campaign draws angry Colorado GOP response
Ron Paul CPAC victory more evidence of stiffening right ideology
WASHINGTON-- The news that Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) had won the 2010 CPAC presidential straw poll was leaked early, to soften the blow. Before GOP pollster Tony Fabrizio had even begun to click through a Powerpoint presentation that shared the results, reporters were informed of Paul’s easy, 31 percent victory over nine Republicans tipped as serious 2012 contenders. Those reporters started to write stories on Paul’s surprise win, waiting for the official announcement — and an explosion of jeering and booing in the main ballroom of the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel. Sighing with relief, press aides for the annual conservative conference made sure that the on-site media had heard that reaction.