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VIDEO: Peter Brimelow attacks multiculturalism at CPAC

The American Conservative Union has already taken heat early into this year’s annual Conservative Political Action Conference for banning a pro-gay conservative group while welcoming a speaker with controversial views against multiculturalism that progressive advocacy groups have branded “white nationalist.”

Latino Republican anti-bigotry campaign draws angry Colorado GOP response

As the nation's political class wrestles with the violence in Arizona that killed and injured more than twenty people and landed Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in the hospital with a bullet through the brain, leading national Latino conservative organization Somos Republicans is spotlighting the harsh backlash it drew from members of the Colorado GOP to a campaign it launched last week lauding former state Republican Muhammad Ali Hasan for speaking out about growing bigotry in the party.

Ron Paul CPAC victory more evidence of stiffening right ideology

WASHINGTON-- The news that Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) had won the 2010 CPAC presidential straw poll was leaked early, to soften the blow. Before GOP pollster Tony Fabrizio had even begun to click through a Powerpoint presentation that shared the results, reporters were informed of Paul’s easy, 31 percent victory over nine Republicans tipped as serious 2012 contenders. Those reporters started to write stories on Paul’s surprise win, waiting for the official announcement — and an explosion of jeering and booing in the main ballroom of the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel. Sighing with relief, press aides for the annual conservative conference made sure that the on-site media had heard that reaction.

Top conservatives hard-sell line that rift on the right is over

Colin Hanna, president of the National Federation of Republican Assemblies, told gatherers at the national Conservative Political Action Conference this week that the rift...

CPAC speakers work to unite Tea Party and Republican Party

WASHINGTON-- Mitt Romney has not spoken at any Tea Parties. He has largely avoided the messy debates over the 10th Amendment, nullification, Paul Ryan’s budget proposals, and whether TV stars should be punished for using the “R” word. But at CPAC, at his mid-afternoon address to an overflowing crowd of conservative activists, it was like he’d been waving a Gadsen Flag and a tea kettle from the start.

A libertarian complaint at national conservative conference

As the Conservative Political Action Conference chugs on in Washington, Wes Benedict, executive director of the Libertarian Party, issued this statement reminding the world...

Hasan stuns CPAC conservatives with defense of Muslims, gays, Mexicans

No shoes were thrown but Ali Hasan did put his foot in his mouth last week at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Washington, D.C., baffling the arch-conservative crowd with some decidedly moderate views.

Honey, let’s float a ballot initiative!

Is Barack Obama's birth certificate a fake? Has he illegally sneaked lessons he learned as an infant born somewhere "over there" into the highest office of the land? That's one of the more popular set of ideas animating attendees at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) this week in D.C. and, Colorado voters will be pleased to learn, one that also informs an amendment appearing on the list of proposed initiatives for the 2010 ballot.

Tancredo: Jindal politically dead; Grover Norquist should be jailed

At CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Conference, which is being held in D.C. this week, former Rep. Tom Tancredo joined the fireworks brigade by brushing off party leader Rush Limbaugh and blasting GOP leading light Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal. Later, at a meeting of the Young Americans for Western Civilization, Tancredo told The Washington Independent's David Weigel that "Gang of Five neocon and anti-tax champion Grover Norquist should be jailed for advancing the cause of Muslim terrorism at the highest levels of U.S. government.

Conservatives: We need a new message, not new principles

Tucker Carlson closed out the first day of the Conservative Political Action Conference to a chorus of boos. His crime: informing a crowd of youngish, frustrated conservatives that if they wanted to succeed, they had to copy The New York Times.