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Tag: Climate Change

Uncertainty plagues Senate bill to halt Clean Power Plan progress

Adversaries of the Clean Power Plan gained a small victory Thursday when a bill that would halt Colorado's environmental progress passed committee. The Clean Power Plan seeks...

Keefe: On John Hickenlooper’s empty climate change plan

Related: The doomed fight to fix Hickenlooper's impotent climate plan For more from Mike Keefe, go here.

Naomi Klein: Climate change will make world “meaner and uglier”

Journalist, social activist and bestselling author Naomi Klein addressed a packed house at the University of Colorado Boulder Thursday about the battle between capitalism and climate...

It’s not just the Groundhogs’s predictions that matter

DENVER - Groundhog Day predictions have never been 100 percent accurate, but for a growing number of small mammals, a changing climate is already...

Wiretap: What would an ambitious climate change plan look like?

Falling short Despite the urgency on climate change you're hearing out of Paris, the final agreement will almost certainly fall well short of whatever is...

Poll results: Arm Colorado teachers, don’t expel sexting students — and...

  In Colorado, a state bloodied by mass shootings, a majority of voters feel teachers and school officials should be able to arm themselves on...

Wiretap: Did Exxon know about climate change in the 70s?

Buried facts New York is investigating whether Exxon, now Exxon Mobil, hid what it knew about climate change, dating back to the 1970s. It's the...

Wiretap: Sanders the insurrectionist vs. Clinton the reformer

Reform revolution Peter Beinart explains the real difference between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton: One is an insurrectionist and one an incrementalist. Clinton's bet is...

Wiretap: Has China been listening to the pope?

Cap and trade Get ready for the big announcement on cap and trade. By 2017, China is ready to begin its program. Maybe the Chinese...