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Tag: campaign for a strong colorado

Bigfooting, boozing, tweeting: A progressive Colorado legislative scorecard

DENVER — Colorado's 2012 Legislature may not have achieved greatness. It may not have risen above partisan divide to solve complex problems and unify a state. It may not have addressed the state's economic malaise or found a way to reliably fund education for the long term.

Gessler lawsuit launched against Denver County sounds voter-suppression alarm bells

In filing suit yesterday against Denver County over its 2011 election plan, Colorado Secretary of State Scott Gessler has raised the specter for the second time since he took office in January that he is using his position as head of elections not to expand but to suppress voting in the state.

Under fire in Colo for lack of transparency, Stapleton in DC...

Progressive politics coalition Campaign for a Strong Colorado says state Treasurer Walker Stapleton should follow the advice he provided to the U.S. House Ways and Means committee this week when he argued in favor of the Public Employee Pension Transparency Act. "Greater transparency and better information is important for the fiscal health of our states and for our taxpayers," he said. Strong Colorado agreed and urged Stapleton to bring his point home to the taxpayers he serves by opening up his full current employment records so the Colorado public can see how he's earning his money and spending his time.

As treasurer race tightens, more Stapleton DUI details emerge

At 2:30 in the morning on a deeply sloping downtown street in San Francisco in 1999, Walker Stapleton, now GOP candidate for state treasurer, drove his SUV through a red light, smashing into a cab and sending it into a 360 degree whirl. He injured a passenger in the taxi and apparently one other person and was charged with driving under the influence and attempted hit and run or fleeing the scene of an accident.

Uncoordinated (or how the Colorado Independent reported the Buck rape story)

No real reporter likes to be the subject of a story he or she has written, but that is where some part of the...