The Colorado Independent,2020
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Tag: campaign finance reform
In fiery blog post, Clear the Bench dismisses ethics complaint as...
Firebrand anti-tax Tea Party speaker and Clear the Bench Director Matt Arnold posted a broadside at the group's website today in which he railed...
Campaign to replace state Supreme Court justices draws ethics complaint
Colorado Ethics Watch filed complaint Wednesday against Clear the Bench Colorado (CBC), alleging the group has been collecting uncapped donations only issues committees are allowed to receive while acting as a political action committee by campaigning against specific judicial candidates. Clear the Bench founder Matthew Arnold called the complaint a spurious attack and said he has been acting under guidelines developed for Clear the Bench by the Secretary of State.
Political donation strike hits $1 million mark
The campaign-finance reform group Change Congress announced today that members of Congress may be a cool million bucks lighter in their war chests next election cycle.
The group's aim is a donor strike — getting 2008-election-cycle donors to pledge that they will withhold any further contributions to members of Congress who don't support a campaign-reform bill that rejects money from lobbyists, special interest and big donors. Those who have signed on reportedly contributed $1 million to federal candidates in the last go-around.
Conventions highlight gaps in ethics laws
It was one of the chief vows of the Democratic Party as it took control of both congressional chambers in 2007: to sever the cozy relationships between lobbyists and lawmakers brought to light by the Jack Abramoff scandals.
Dick Wadhams, Wally Stealey trade barbs over 527s at Vail water...
Colorado Republican State Chairman Dick Wadhams sparred with influential lobbyist Wally Stealey in Vail Friday over the negative campaigning of independent political committees, campaign finance reform and the disaffection of voters with their respective political parties.