The Colorado Independent,2020
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Tag: Blog
Homeland Security warned us we needed to start checking underwear
Newsweek is reporting that the Department of Homeland Security last fall was exploring the threat posed to air travelers by bombs secreted aboard planes...
Growing evidence suggests Wells Fargo targeted blacks for subprime loans
Memphis city officials have filed a lawsuit charging mortgage-loan giant Wells Fargo with discrimination. The New York Times reports:
The lawsuit, filed in federal court...
Dueling GOP views on health reform constitutionality
Nowhere in the Constitution is Congress empowered to require Americans to buy health insurance, Sen. John Ensign (R-Nev.) charged today.
“I am seriously concerned that...
Deck the halls with loan papers: Foreclosure-crisis holiday jingles
Just in time for your holiday listening pleasure, two songs are making their way around the blogosphere, marking another year of falling home prices...
DC Scorecard: Bank lobbyists win again, with help from Dem friends
Bloomberg takes a hard look at the lobbying fight over financial regulatory overhaul and concludes that despite last week’s passage of a financial regulatory...
Obama misses mark, scolds heedless bankers instead of New Dems
President Obama’s attempt to shame top bankers on Monday convinced no serious observers that lending will suddenly flow freely and financial institutions will quit...
The economic case for health reform, Part II
In June, the White House issued a report making the case that health reform — well beyond a moral and social imperative — is...
Palin: Shun science’s ‘politicized agenda’
One of the perks of political rock star-dom is that you get to write pretty much whatever you want and the nation’s leading newspapers...
A hidden stimulus in health reform
It’s a nonsensical element of Medicaid’s funding formula that during economic downturns, when state budgets are most squeezed, states are also asked to bear...
The RedState/Jeff Sessions filibuster: Just say ACORN
Eight months ago, President Obama nominated Indiana judge David Hamilton for a seat on the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals. As Jeffrey Toobin reported,...