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Home Tags Ballot measure

Tag: ballot measure

Colorado proposal would triple cigarette tax, fund preschool, fight teen vaping

A proposed tax on nicotine products could double Colorado’s preschool investment, pay for afterschool and summer enrichment programs for low-income families, and chip away...

Philanthropies to Polis: “Fund Colorado’s water plan.” John Hickenlooper's water strategy...

A group seeking to jumpstart Gov. John Hickenlooper’s state water plan is asking Gov.-elect Jared Polis to support ways to fund it. Convened by...

A $1.6 billion tax increase for Colorado education just got a...

Supporters of more funding for Colorado schools turned in more than 170,000 signatures Wednesday to place a $1.6 billion tax measure on the November...

Try, try again: Latest attempt at Colorado school funding measure would...

Colorado voters could see a $1.6 billion tax increase for education on their November ballots. Backers of a major school funding measure have been cleared...

Proposed sales tax increase could boost funding for transportation projects

A coalition of local leaders backed by the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce wants voters to approve a sales tax increase on the November...

Rural liquor stores fear big box ballot measure

Robert Cionek has owned the only liquor store in Haxtun, Colorado for 10 years. It’s his principle source of income. Whether he stays in business...

Can Colorado activists win anti-fracking measures in 2016?

This story first appeared on High Country News. Over the past two years, plummeting natural gas and oil prices have caused energy companies in Colorado to...

Boating bill swamped by controversy, may lead to summer of river...

A controversial commercial rafting bill - one of the most contentious issues of the just-completed legislative session - sank in choppy waters this week,...

HB 1370 aims to rein in anonymous campaign spending on ballot...

A bill intended to clarify which groups are backing or opposing ballot measures – as well as provide administrative law judges more enforcement leeway...

White plans to tweak FASTER bill this session

Easily one of the most divisive and hotly debated bills passed by the state legislature last session was SB 108, aka FASTER (Funding Advancements for Surface Transportation and Economic Recovery). It was a hike in vehicle registration fees meant to raise $250 million a year to fix the 125 bridges around the state deemed structurally deficient, and it has become a rallying cry for Republicans around the state bent on recapturing seats in both the House and Senate next fall.