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Tag: Al Franken

Al Franken sponsors immigration-rights legislation for same-sex couples

Sen. Al Franken is the sponsor of legislation introduced in the U.S. Senate late last week that would give binational same-sex couples the same rights as married couples for immigration purposes.

VIDEO: Sen. Al Franken stresses importance of net neutrality at South...

“I came here today to warn you that the party may almost be over,” Sen. Al Franken said. “They are coming after the internet hoping to destroy the very thing that makes it such an important tool for indie artists and entrepreneurs: its freedom and openness.”

Live Stream: SXSW fest features Kucinich on labor, Franken on net...

The Austin-based South by Southwest music, film, technology fest this week has so far featured populist political discussion on the labor showdown in Wisconsin, Washington war spending and the privatized "debt-based" monetary fund. That was all from Ohio Representative Dennis Kucinich. Minnesota Senator Al Franken is set to discuss the future of the internet at 8:30 this morning Colorado time. Franken, like Colorado Rep. Jared Polis, has long fought against the drive to give communications corporations more control over what kind of content flows fastest on the web.

VIDEO: Polis and Bennet join with White House on anti-bullying efforts

As efforts to reduce school bullying reach the White House, Coloradans take leadership roles.

VIDEO: Polis teams with Al Franken to introduce anti-bullying legislation

Today, Rep. Jared Polis, D-CO, and U.S. Sen. Al Franken, D-MN held a press conference to announce that they have reintroduced legislation that would help protect public school students from bullying, harassment, and discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.

Sens Udall and Bennet vote for lower- and middle-class tax cuts

Senate Republicans killed two bills Saturday that sought to extend the Bush tax cuts to the middle class while letting the cuts expire for...

Sens. Udall and Bennet seek to have it both ways on...

Colorado U.S. Sens. Mark Udall and Michael Bennet with 12 other Senate Democrats signed onto a letter (pdf) urging Senate leaders weighing climate legislation...

Sonia Sotomayor’s hearings face: A visual record of our national politics

Judge Sonia Sotomayor's face during her Supreme Court nomination hearings is a YouTube-era national treasure. Turn down the volume as you watch her and...

Franken vs Coleman: the final showdown

The Minnesota Independent posted a contrast piece yesterday on the dueling press conferences that followed from the Supreme Court ruling there that pronounced Al Franken the state's new senator. The decision came after eight months of recount madness and a series of related lawsuits filed by now-former senator Norm Coleman. Coleman held his press conference in the backyard of his St Paul home and threatened to call the police on journalists he didn't want to attend. Franken stood on his front stoop in Minneapolis and laid a table of snacks for the reporters attending.

Al Franken headed to U.S. Senate

Nearly eight months after Election Day and coming at the end of a dizzying series of lawsuits, the Minnesota Supreme Court today ruled that Al Franken defeated Republican Sen. Norm Coleman and can now claim his seat. Franken will be the 58th Democratic U.S. Senator. Counting Franken and the two Independent Democrat-leaning members of the Conference, the party will now enjoy a filibuster-proof majority of 60, a fact that fueled the heated contest from the minute the polls closed in November. The court declared Franken won by 312 votes.