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Tag: Afghanistan

McChrystal apologizes for insulting Obama team

A not-yet-released Rolling Stone magazine profile of Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the commander of NATO forces in Afghanistan, quotes him and anonymous aides expressing anger,...

With foreign policy statement, Norton stakes out position on far right

U.S. Senate candidate Jane Norton is pushing controversial positions on terrorism and the war in Afghanistan in a foreign-policy statement posted at her website....

‘American hero’ Petraeus faints at Senate hearing

The commander of U.S. forces in the Middle East and South Asia fainted after ranking Republican John McCain called him one of the great...

White House to unveil ‘grand strategy’ on national security

John Brennan has a tough rhetorical job ahead of him Wednesday morning. Speaking to the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Brennan, President Obama’s most influential terrorism and intelligence adviser, will attempt to reconcile the harder edges of Obama’s escalation in Afghanistan and his enthusiastic embrace of drone-enabled assassinations of terrorists with the broader approach to grand strategy that the White House will finally unveil this week. Some wonder if that reconciliation is even possible.

In debate, Romanoff seeks to highlight differences Bennet calls ‘vanishingly small’

COLORADO SPRINGS-- The Democratic primary debate here Friday pitting U.S. Senate candidate and former state House speaker Andrew Romanoff against Sen. Michael Bennet was an odd tug of war. Romanoff argued that there were significant differences between the two candidates but Bennet argued that those differences were "vanishingly small" and suggested Romanoff was stooping to petty attacks to gain traction.

Birther Colonel Lakin posts letter to Obama

Terry Lakin, the Army Doctor who has refused orders to deploy to Afghanistan, has posted online the letter he wrote to Pres. Obama last...

Birther Army doctor Lakin refuses to deploy, his Greeley family supports...

Greeley Native, U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel and full-fledged birther Terry Lakin is refusing to deploy to Afghanistan until he sees evidence he can believe...

Polis urges support for withdrawal from Afghanistan

Colorado Democratic Congressman Jared Polis has been arguing against U.S. occupation policy in Afghanistan his entire first year in office. He joined a Congressional...

Who’s in charge? The Beck/Colbert West Point speech military org chart

The President's West Point speech on Afghanistan pleased some of the people a lot; a lot of the people a little; and a lot...

Colorado delegation responds to president’s Afghanistan speech

President Obama gave a long-awaited address Tuesday night at West Point Military Academy on his plan for the war in Afghanistan. It was a speech bound to disappoint and it did, it seems, at least partly on both the left and the right. Among the responses from the Colorado delegation in D.C., Sen. Mark Udall, one of the most supportive of the president's vision, also felt obliged at one point to respond in advance to constituent dissent. "We must acknowledge the complex choices we face. It is important for us all to keep in mind that no one has all the right answers." Rep. Ed Perlmutter, who also offered support for the president's strategy, said he planned to travel to Afghanistan in the coming months to gain additional insight of his own. Full video of the speech and a roundup of responses after the jump.