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Tag: 47 percent

Wiretap: Refugee children at the (political) border

  James Oliphant asks in the National Journal why Barack Obama won't call the kids at the border "refugees." It's the same reason he...

Beauprez ’47 percent’ video no surprise to Tea Party politics watchers

Conservatives had been harping on the "47 percent" for years; it was just the latest version of the "welfare queen" line of attack popularized on the right in the Reagan era.

Littwin: Bob Beauprez, welcome to the general election campaign

  GIVE Bob Beauprez credit. He did his bit. He saved the Colorado Republican Party from Tom Tancredo. But now he faces an even tougher task....

Wiretap: The return of the ’47 percent’

On the right, they never really went away. In a video from 2010, GOP candidate for governor Bob Beauprez says nearly half of Americans are "perfectly happy that someone else is paying the bill."

Littwin: Just don’t say ‘amnesty’

The big story out of the House Republican retreat is, of course, the House Republican retreat on immigration reform.

Inequality report: Colorado income gap steadily widening

Colorado places among the top ten states in the nation when it comes to measuring the pace of income inequality growth over the past three and half decades. It's nothing to brag about.

Colorado trends suggest Romney plan to court only ‘thoughtful independents’ doomed

Republican Party donors and strategists alarmed by the trajectory of the embattled Romney presidential campaign won't find much to boost their spirits in swing-state Colorado. On the contrary, what's happening on the ground here suggests the party's nominee is failing to execute the strategy he said he "inelegantly" outlined in the hidden-camera videotape that has dominated the politics news cycle for the last two days.