The Colorado Independent,2020
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Wiretap: Who was the last president to make news by saying racism is evil?
It took a few days, but Donald Trump finally brought himself to condemn white supremacists in the wake of the violence and ramming death...
Wiretap: The day after Trump’s fire and fury has been spent furiously cleaning up...
What do Trump's generals do in response to his "fire and fury" commentary? They spent the next day cleaning up Trump's mess, trying to...
Wiretap: Trump adds fire and fury to what is shaping up as a crisis...
The Washington Post reports that North Korea is producing miniature nuclear warheads that could fit inside its missiles. If true, that would make the...
Wiretap: The story we’re being told about immigration in America is, uh, fake history
The story we're being told about the history of immigration in America by Trump's apologists — that we're experiencing a historic flow of unskilled...
Wiretap: Here comes the Trump pivot as he now turns to keeping legal immigrants...
Donald Trump wants to build a new wall, this time to keep the legal immigrants out. It's a metaphorical wall this go-round. And, in...
Wiretap: Can it really be that some Senate Republicans are standing up to Trump?
Is it really happening? It looks as if Senate Republicans are (finally) openly flouting Donald Trump, who has demanded they keep working on repealing...
Wiretap: Congress slaps Russia, Putin slaps back and where does it all leave Putin’s...
You may be old enough to remember when Vladimir Putin was Donald Trump's one true friend —you know, way back in early July during...
Wiretap: Many of the “bad hombres” facing deportation turn out to be good mothers
The "bad hombres" that Trump promised to deport during his presidential campaign have often instead been good mothers, whose deportation would break families apart....
Wiretap: Trump blasts Jeff Sessions for his recusal, seems to be pushing him out...
Donald Trump sits down with three New York Times reporters in a 50-minute interview in which he blasted Jeff Sessions, Jim Comey, Robert Mueller,...
Wiretap: The most obvious reason why Obamacare repeal failed: ‘It’s an insane process’
Just how did Donald Trump and Mike Pence and Mitch McConnell and the rest of the GOP gang manage to fall short in their...