The Colorado Independent,2020
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WALKER STAPLETON | A political unknown 8 years ago. Now the establishment GOP’s hope...
It was the day before Walker Stapleton's 44th birthday and Colorado's Republican state treasurer looked relieved.
Dressed in a crisp white shirt, red tie and...
JARED POLIS | Boulder congressman has big plans and big money to push them
Jared Polis wants you to know he doesn’t answer to anyone but the people of Colorado. No “special interests” or corporations. No big individual...
DOUG ROBINSON | In the shadow of a front-runner, a tall man makes his...
“Hey, hi, Doug Robinson calling. Hope you are well. Listen, just touching base with you— you've probably seen some of the news over the...
GREG LOPEZ | A ‘taste-test’ candidate counts on personal touch to prove skeptics wrong
In the world of conventional political wisdom — a world to which he pays no mind — Greg Lopez’s chances of winning the Republican...
Siding with Christian cake-maker, High Court says CO’s civil rights agency displayed ‘hostility’ toward...
The U.S. Supreme Court today sided with a Christian baker in a case that pitted his religious beliefs against gay rights over a never-baked...
Colorado schools gave out nearly 1,800 suspensions to young students with disabilities last year
Getting sent home from school became a constant for Ben Wankel’s second-grade son last fall.
It started simply enough: The cafeteria was too noisy, his...
Former Anadarko brass slam company for safety risks, callousness
Six former Anadarko employees have come forward on behalf of investors to describe a culture of corporate callousness that puts profits before safety. The...
Dryland: Farmers in tough places to do agriculture are innovating for climate change
"Dryland" farmers on the high plains of Colorado grow their crops with whatever falls from the sky—no irrigation, no pumped groundwater—just what Mother Nature...
Colorado’s grand bargain to create a national model for redistricting
Two groups that were readying for a major battle on your ballot in November over how Colorado draws its political lines have laid down...
Greene: Despite promises of reform, Hancock and team failed to seek answers, accountability in...
A disturbing report outlines Mayor Michael Hancock’s administration’s inaction in response to sheriff’s deputies’ killing of a mentally ill homeless man in Denver’s jail.