The Colorado Independent,2020
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News Poetry: Of Diesels and Subterfuge
Of Diesels and Subterfuge
Ordinary Tuesday,
meaning evil & good are pulling
on different ends of the same serpent.
I am hardly bothered by their charade
anymore. I’ve got...
News Poetry: Poetry Lesson after the Las Vegas Shooting
Do not write the word heart.
Like every overused word,
its meaning has bled out,
the way snowflake, repeated,
dissolves into sound.
And thoughts becomes nothing
but the tongue thudding
News Poetry: Dear Congress
Dear Congress
I never want to write another poem
titled: again
So I’m sending you a pen
I never want to hear the cries
the shattering bullets
from an automatic...
News Poetry: Undocumented?
Every day wear sturdy shoes
in case you need to run.
Pack a small bag, keep it
light and close.
Sew money into the lining
of your coat.
Bid your...
News Poetry: A Tour of the Denver Basin
A Tour of the Denver Basin
for Dr. Bob Raynolds
At the brick quarry near Parker,
Paleosol rises to the surface: Ancient soil.
Ocher and red. So old...
News Poetry: Wildfire Blues
The sun rises prison orange
as if it feels Oregon and Montana blaze
from its perch one astronomical
unit away, but only our thin slip
of atmosphere knows
News Poetry: The way they held each other
The way they held each other
in rows of cots and mattresses
on the floor of cavernous arenas,
the way an old man rested his gnarled hand
News Poetry: Come Back, Carl Sagan
Come Back, Carl Sagan
We need your words
more than ever
tell your cosmic wisdom
to the haters
with whom lovers share
earth’s common ground
on the Pale Blue Dot.
That's here,...
News Poetry: “Hegemony”
children are dying
from the simplest things
too much cold
not enough water
being a girl riding a bus to school
the sun rises in one place
leaves shadows in...
News Poetry: Charlottesville, Part II
By Karen Douglass
Outrage is rage
turned inside out.
Our melting pot burns torches
instead of candles in the dark.
Unmasked killers
march out of their bunkers.
A car...