The Colorado Independent,2020
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News Poetry: Bird in the Hand
They'll tell you a gun in the hand
is worth ten kids in a classroom, teacher
guarding the door. Here he comes,
killer. Something made him...
News Poetry: A Dream Ends
I drop my tool belt loaded with hammer, nails, tape measure, my family’s picture
at Christmas. As I am shuffled to the car images come...
News Poetry: On the Declining Value of the Dollar
One hundred, becomes ninety-eight,
becomes eighty-two, becomes sixty-one,
and so on. A corpse dripping blood
is still a corpse. Though if you gather
the drippings, you can make...
News Poetry: Mirror Words
A new year starts
appearing as a blank slate
but its history is already written
in the dust of treaties,
the land-mine refuse of war,
the increased opulence of...
News Poetry: Upon Learning that Butterflies Existed Sixty Million Years Before Flowers
We must now amend our theories of desire,
our understanding of what transforms
flesh so that it may feed on the nectar
hidden deep within the recesses...
News Poetry: Homeless at 7th and Santa Fe
Black plastic bag, no tote, no backpack
One pair of shoes, no socks, no laces
Plenty of sunshine today, no raincoat
One glove, one cold, bare hand
News Poetry: The Eye of the Beholder
The one on the left, with the pink backpack,
carrying the C-4, is wearing a headset
under that checked yellow scarf,
receiving final instructions.
The one on the...
News Poetry: Sparrows
I sip tea while men declare war
in my living room. They raise fists
on evening news, set a flag alight.
It burns, small country, in their...
News Poetry: “resolution”
I have one
now that the killings are
within city blocks of me
blood spilled
yards from my kin
dawn breaking
New Year's Eve
my grandsons waken
stunned by gunfire
dreaded screams
News Poetry: Senbazuru
God folds the world along pre-creased lines,
pressing one edge against another, before scoring.
Sometimes she folds one way, opens, then reverses.
That’s how we get extra...