The Colorado Independent,2020
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Guest Post: Why TABOR means we can have nice things
Taxpayer Bill of Rights. TABOR. A legislative victory for the libertarian state of Colorado. But perhaps one of the most hated bills by progressives...
Guest Post: The Olympics: Death by suicide
British historian Arnold Toynbee’s observation about civilizations – “An autopsy of history would show that all great nations commit suicide” – applies also to...
Guest post: Small steps could lighten a generation’s crushing student debt
Growing up, my generation had one thing hammered into our heads: to succeed in life, you have to go to college. However, few teenagers,...
Guest Post: Colorado goes to Mars again Colorado-built Mars INSIGHT lander successfully lands on...
May, 2018 — Why would you do that?” my son, Mike Surline, asked. “A long way to go, to see something that lasts only seconds.”...
Guest Post: Raging California wildfires give us a taste of climate change’s deadly potential
Wildfires continued to ravage both ends of California Wednesday, claiming at least 50 lives so far, with more than 200 people still missing, while...
Guest Post: Wake up and vote ‘yes’ on Amendment 73
“Just give up already.” “I’m not interested in any of this.” “I don’t have time for this.” “You just woke me up from a...
Guest Post: Amendment 74 ― Deceptive, dangerous and anti-democratic
Proposition 112 has powerful fossil-fuel interests running scared. To protect their profits, they’re willing to destroy the ability of Colorado state and local governments...
Guest Post: Make no room for hatred in politics 'This is not a time...
One great truth is that there is no room for hatred in politics, or anywhere else in civilized society. Anger, which has been aptly...
Guest Post: The oil and gas tech industry votes no on Proposition 112
There is not a single challenge related to the development of Colorado’s oil and gas resources that can’t be solved with the smart application...
Guest Post: Two approaches to getting big money out of politics
Since the US Supreme Court’s 2010 decision in Citizens United, corporations and the wealthy have increased their political contributions exponentially. We’re seeing the effect...