Thank you to the loyal readers and supporters of The Colorado Independent (2013-2020). The Indy has merged with the new nonprofit Colorado News Collaborative (COLab) on a new mission to strengthen local news in Colorado. We hope you will join us!

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Guest Posts

Guest Post: Colorado’s toughest-in-the-nation air quality regulations are working A response to The Story...

There is much to dispute within Daniel Glick’s story, but let’s begin here: Our air quality conditions in Colorado are not worsening. In fact,...
"Immigration Rally DC" by Holley St. Germain via Flickr: Creative Commons

Guest Post: Gov. Polis’s refusal to protect Colorado’s immigrants creates fear, not hope

As a mother of two young boys, I am daily finding ways to help them grow into strong human beings, seeking justice, loving mercy,...

Guest Post: Gray wolf protection imperiled by politics, again Gray wolf populations are still...

In an era when environmental regulations throughout the United States are under siege, one particular species that has only recently begun to bounce back...
"Homeless," by Parc Cruz, via Flickr: Creative Commons

Guest Post: Fear of homeless people underlies opposition to I-300

Denver Initiative 300, which would end the city's ban on overnight camping in public spaces, has provoked important conversations about governance of and access...
Missouri Department of Transportation via Flickr: Creative Commons

Guest Post: Something to consider in light of last week’s terrible I-70 crash Better...

In light of the recent fatal crash on I-70, it's time to address the need to change standards in the trucking industry. This tragedy...
Sports betting image by Beating Betting via Flickr:Creative Commons

Guest Post: Say no to the Colorado legislature’s gimmick to gamble with our state’s...

Do you feel like gambling with our state’s water and rivers? The Colorado  legislature does, and it’s a gamble we shouldn’t take. In these last...
Photo by K Kendall via Flickr:Creative Commons

Guest Post: Denver’s camping ban dehumanizes the very people the city is supposed to...

As former and current Homeless Outreach workers in the city of Denver,  we feel it is important to shed light on our experiences working...
Action delayed on climate change

Guest Post: Climate delayers are climate change deniers 'I turn 60 next month. I...

Are you feeling a little more than pissed that so much said and written about climate change is about the problem but not the...
Photo of Sammie Lawrence IV by Susan Pfretzschner

Guest Post: Boulder, we have a problem

Sammie Lawrence IV is a soft-spoken young man with a head of curls and a heart for justice. He saw some friends having a...

Guest Post: Colorado should set bold climate change goals

The Colorado General Assembly soon will consider establishing additional climate goals for our state. The bill, HB19-1261, would set goals of a 50% reduction...