Welcome to the fourth season of Changing Denver. It’s going to be a season-long series all on one topic. We’re calling it Unclear Danger: The Colorado Story of Rocky Flats.
We’re proud to present this whole season in partnership with the Colorado Independent and the Denver Public Library.
Next Week:
We are hosting a panel, titled “Remembering Rocky Flats,” at the Denver Public Library on April 7. Three Rocky Flats historians—Len Ackland, Dorothy Ciarlo, and Murph Widdowfield—will be sharing their stories and unique perspectives on the Rocky Flats story. Find us on the 7th floor of the library’s central branch at 2 pm.
Recording this kind of thing can be hit-or-miss, so come out on the 7th to make sure you hear what these three have to say.
Recommended Reading:
Len Ackland’s Making a Real Killing should be available at your local bookshop. Len will also be appearing at our April 7 event if you have questions for him.
The Ambushed Grand Jury is available online as a free PDF.
So is the full text of the Lamm-Wirth Task Force’s final report.
For more on the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service’s plans for Rocky Flats, check out their website here.
This episode includes extensive clips from several oral histories on file at the Boulder Public Library’s Maria Rogers Oral History Program. You can find each of the oral histories we excerpted here: Ken Freiberg, Dick Lamm, Tim Wirth, William Cohen, and Jacque Brever.
Our theme song is “Minnow” be Felix Fast4ward.
Denver’s premier chiptunes artists Aethernaut and Michael Zucker provided the score for this episode and all of Unclear Danger. Also heard in this episode are a few songs by a group called Soft and Furious. Those are in the public domain.
You can learn more about Changing Denver at our website www.changingdenver.com. Follow us on Twitter @changingdenver for photos and more behind-the-scenes details from our investigation into Rocky Flats.
Changing Denver is a proud member of the Denver Podcast Network.
Thanks for listening!