Share our stuff: You’re welcome to republish our articles and graphics for free using the ground rules below.
Here’s what you need to know:
Story Republishing Guidelines*
- If you're republishing our content online, please use the “Republish” button located below the story, which will provide you with the HTML code to copy and paste into your CMS. If you would like to republish our content in a print product, please email us.
- You must give The Colorado Independent credit, ideally in this format: “by [Firstname] [Lastname], The Colorado Independent.” (Copying the HTML code will do this automatically.)
- If you publish online, you must include the links from the story, and a link to (Copying the HTML code will do this automatically.)
- It's fine to change the story to suit your in-house style (for example, using “Loveland, CO.” instead of “Loveland.”)
- If you make changes that are more significant than style tweaks — such as adding a comment from a local official — you need to include a note like this: “Additional reporting by the (name of your publication here).”
- Any photos or graphics credited to The Colorado Independent may be republished with the stories with which they originally appeared. For any other uses, you must seek permission from us via email. You may also run your own photos and graphics with the story. Photos and graphics from other media organizations (e.g., Getty Images) require separate permissions from them directly.
- When possible, include the following: The Colorado Independent is a nonprofit, nonpartisan media organization.
- If you share the story on social media, please mention @COindependent on Twitter and @coloradoindependent on Facebook.
- Don't sell the story.
- Don't sell ads against the story. Feel free, however, to publish it on a page with ads you’ve already sold.
- The Colorado Independent is not responsible for content found on blogs, platforms or websites that reblog or repost content by The Colorado Independent. The Colorado Independent does not endorse blogs, websites, bloggers, journalists or writers who reblog or repost works available at The Colorado Independent does not compensate bloggers, journalists or writers who reblog or repost works by The Colorado Independent. The Colorado Independent is not responsible for any mistranslations of The Colorado Independent's content.
The Colorado Independent reserves the right to modify this republication agreement as needed.
*Thanks to the Texas Tribune for use of its guideline template