It should come as no surprise that the decision to reopen the country — responsibly in the case of some governors, Brian Kemp-like in the case of others — has somehow become less a health issue than a political issue. Nothing, including the approach of 100,000 Americans dead of COVID-19, changes that.
That’s the world Jared Polis enters every time he decides to liberalize the rules in reopening businesses.
On Monday, Polis announced the reopening of in-room dining for restaurants — with strict guidelines, of course — while rejecting the opening of bars and also while forcing breweries, if they want to be open to customers, to change their food-service model. It’s a tightrope, and the science — as The Washington Post noted — is not always as helpful as one would hope, even for a data-driven governor like Polis.
Read more of Mike’s column at The Colorado Sun. The Colorado Sun is a reader-supported news organization dedicated to covering the people, places and policies of Colorado. Learn more at coloradosun.com.