With the Nov. 6 mid-term election barrelling down upon us, Indy readers are making good use of our new Ask the Indy feature.
We’re getting a great range of questions, everything from the practical: “How do I find information on county issues” and “How do I access campaign finance reports on Polis and Stapleton” to the more probing: “What do people working in CO prisons like the firefighters you profiled last month think about Amendment A? Can/will they vote for it?” and “Didn’t Oregon try a 74 measure and experience litigation and costs leading to repeal in a few years? Didn’t WA study & reject a 74 measure?” (We answered that one here.)
Oh, and who knew people had so many questions about judges. And marijuana taxes. We’ve answered some of the judge questions here, and will be updating that story over the next several days. And we’re looking into the tax question, too.
So little time before the election and so many questions can only mean one thing: Time for a voting round. This is where you do more than ask. You have a hand in deciding what question from readers among the three we have selected you most want us to dig into next. It’s easy. Vote, tell your friends to vote. Voting starts today and ends Wednesday.
As our Ask the Indy motto says: You ask. We answer. Democracy wins.
Just hover your cursor over the box to vote. Thank you!
I am interested in an investigative piece by Greg Palast showing that over 3/4 of a million voters have been purged from Colorado registrations. What do you think? https://www.gregpalast.com/are-you-one-of-769436-voters-on-the-colorado-purge-list/
Question for candidates for governor; What will you to make our streets and schools safe from gun violence?