10/11/18 – White Anti-Racist Allyship: Beyond the Basics

So, you are a white person who considers themselves an ally to black and brown folks. But what does that really mean, and how do you know you are an ally?

White Anti racist Allyship
Graphic layout: Mark Castillo
facebook event button

This is a free community training supported through donations. Attendees and supporters are invited to donate via Venmo @Regan-Byrd, Paypal (reganbyrd@yahoo.com), or in person at the event.

If you are interested in more discussion and processing following this training, please sign up for the deep dive workshop here: https://www.facebook.com/events/2151373228520443/
So, you are a white person who considers themselves an ally to black and brown folks. But what does that really mean, and how do you know you are an ally?

Are you someone looking to deepen your understanding of oppression, privilege, and your role in combating racism as a white ally beyond your initial introduction into this subject? Then this training is for you.

In this training, hosted by Regan Byrd, an anti-oppression consultant, we will educate you on the 4 I’s of oppression, an excellent framework for understanding oppression on a deeper level, white fragility, and the common pitfalls that stop many, if not most, white allies from being genuinely effective in their work combating oppression and being in true partnership with POC.

We are especially interested in folks who have a base knowledge of white privilege, white supremacy, and allyship, and are looking to expand upon knowledge they have already received from other trainings, documentaries, work in the field etc.

This training will be offered every few months throughout 2018. A racism 101 or other initial anti-oppression training is highly recommended before attending this session, but all are welcome.

We are asking for donations to pay for the space, materials, and to compensate for time and preparations. You can donate via Venmo, Paypal, or make a donation at the event. Thank you!

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