Join us for Drinks and Dialogue at St. Vrain Cidery.
Grab one of their many delicious ciders and engage in a conversation on Campaign Finance with our Speaker Sandra Fish. Sandra is a data journalist and freelance writer for the Colorado Independent. She also runs #COpolitics.
#COpolitics is a nonpartisan, nonprofit news site offering data for the public to explore, content based on that data and plenty of explainers about how our elections and government work. Ultimately, #COpolitics will include data on lobbying in Colorado, elections, campaign finance and, perhaps most importantly, Follow the Message. Follow the Message crowdsources campaign fliers, TV and radio ads, and other political messages, then explains who paid for the messages and where their money came from.
Monday, August 13, 2018, 5:30 PM until 6:30 PM
St. Vrain Cidery
350 Terry St., Suite 130 (east side of building)
Longmont, CO 80501
Amanda P Nuku
Making Democracy Work for All
League of Women Voters of Boulder County
P.O. Box 21274
Boulder, CO 80308303-499-4544