NEWSFLASH: FCC votes to repeal net neutrality

The Federal Communications Commission, led by Chairman Ajit Pai, voted this morning to repeal 2015 net neutrality rules and thus allow internet service providers to speed up, slow down or block service for various websites.

The decision showed Pai upholding an earlier promise to repeal the Obama-era regulations, and was not entirely unexpected. But it followed months of adamant public outcry to uphold the rules.

The fight over net neutrality is far from over. The decision is expected to be challenged in the courts, and Congress could vote to uphold the regulations with a joint resolution.

Activists are continuing to call on Coloradans to call their senators and representatives to protect net neutrality — and “save the internet.”

Watch Coloradans, including our own editor, Susan Greene, rally to protect net neutrality on Saturday, Dec. 9 in Denver’s Skyline Park.


Photo credit: Atomic Taco, Creative Commons, Flickr 

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