The Washington Post reports that North Korea is producing miniature nuclear warheads that could fit inside its missiles. If true, that would make the country a true nuclear power. Donald Trump’s response is to threaten North Korea, saying that if threats continue, “They will be met with fire and fury and frankly power the likes of which this world has never seen.”
The last time anyone can remember a president using this kind of Trumpian rhetoric in a dangerous and delicate foreign policy situation was Harry Truman, who after dropping the atom bomb on Hiroshima, warned the Japanese that “they may expect a rain of ruin from the air, the like of which has never been seen on this earth.” Via The New York Times.
The North Korea situation, David Graham writes in The Atlantic, “calls for a trustworthy, careful, decisive leader drawing on all available expertise.” And we’ve got Donald Trump.
It’s not clear whether Trump’s “fire and fury” remark was inadvertent or strategic. In either case, the Trump administration realizes it needs to do something different in trying to contain North Korea. Via The Wall Street Journal.
As we wait to see what the Trump administration does with its climate change report, the one thing we know for sure: The report says climate change is real. And another thing: Its impact will be dire. Via The Los Angeles Times. And nine more takeaways from the report via The New York Times.
How bad is the 2018 congressional map for Democrats? It’s much worse than you thought. Much, much worse. Via
For all the noise about illegal immigration, there has been a decades-long effort to curtail legal immigration, too. And now Trump is on board. Via The New Yorker.
Like most presidents, Trump gets daily briefings about his coverage in the media. The difference here is that his people only include the good stuff. Via Vox.
How did the left find itself in a debate over California senator Kamala Harris? And is it really a debate worth having? Via The New Republic.
From The National Review: How progressives will scare off moderates and, at the same time, squander the moral high ground ceded to them by Donald Trump.
Photo credit: U.S. Air Force, Senior Airman Roy Lynch, Creative Commons, Flickr
A poll conducted by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs found that 62 percent of Americans favored the use of American troops if South Korea was invaded by North Korea. There is also strong bi-partisan support for increased sanctions against North Korea. Via The Washington Post.
Al Gore’s new documentary “An Inconvenient Sequel” came in 15th at the box office last week amid charges that Paramount Pictures had sabotaged the film. But reviews have not been stellar, Geologist Dr. Robert Giegengack said, “I was appalled. I was appalled because he either deliberately misrepresented the point he was making or didn’t understand it. So it was irresponsible of Al Gore.” Via Climate Depot
Despite the “sky is falling” alarmist attitude embraced by many political pundits towards President Trump, there are substantive indications that the Trump administration is accomplishing quite a bit in judicial appointments, energy and reversing Barack Obama’s attempts at social engineering through the courts. Via City Journal.
While some political pundits continue to ignore that it happened, “West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice’s defection to the GOP after just a few months in office might be a signal it’s time to sue for peace.” So says author Peter Roff. Via US News and World Report.
Here are eight signs that President Trump is making American great despite his poll numbers. Via Investors Business Daily.
Democrats do eat their own. Well, if you consider Senator Bernie Sanders a Democrat. His supporters have already started attacking Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) one of dozens of Democrats who may seek the 2020 Democrat presidential candidacy. Via The Daily Beast.