The Indy Weekly Podcast, Episode 10: In times of chaos, find Mike Littwin

A major vote on healthcare is expected in the Senate early next week, and Senate Republicans still aren’t sure what they’ll be voting on.

The proposal to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act is almost certainly short of the votes it needs to pass, and plans to repeal and not replace Obamacare likely won’t fare much better.

Republicans still don’t have a clear plan moving forward, confusion is gripping the Senate, and nobody seems to know for sure what’s going on.

Luckily for you, we have Mike Littwin, a longtime political columnist and overall good bet for making sense of things in times of chaos. He joins host Kelsey Ray to talk repeal-and-replace, repeal-and-delay and why Sen. Cory Gardner is stuck “between a mountain and a hard place.”



Photo credit: Fernando Candeias, Creative Commons, Flickr

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