Hundreds of protestors flocked outside the Denver office of Republican U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner Tuesday.
“Shock event after shock event. We need to put a stop to it,” said Jeff Legreca who said his wife beat cancer four years ago and that stable healthcare is a must. Immigration, public education, “the apparent rise of fascism in our country,” and White House advisor and former Breitbart chairman Steve Bannon’s attendance at the National Security Council meetings were reasons demonstrators gave for showing up.
Multiple crowd members hoisted signs saying they were not paid to be there. Gardner told a local TV news channel he believed his office was being bombarded by phone calls from what he called “paid protestors.” In January, Gardner’s office received nearly 90,000 letters and emails and 22,000 calls and voicemails.
Speaking to The Colorado Independent Tuesday outside his office in Denver, Ana Temu said Gardner “needs to stop worrying about D.C. politics, and he needs to start worrying about the Colorado people, and we expect more from him. And if he doesn’t, he can expect to be out of office next time around.”
Video and interviews by Sarah Blume:
1st Cory dismisses phone calls, emails, and street protesters charging they are “paid”.
Today the DeVos confirmation vote is postponed to next week because the major donor NRSC junket in Florida he organized prevents a Saturday vote. Individuals who donate $5,000 or more and PACS who donate $15,000 get to dine individually with Senators.
SO, apparently Cory’s issue isn’t payment…but that it isn’t being paid to him.
Oh, but he HAS been paid! De Vos paid him $47,000. For his vote. Hypocrite.