Minor exceptions
How is Donald Trump’s transition team doing? If you don’t count the firings and the missed phone calls from foreign leaders and the score settling and Rudy Giuliani’s name popping up as future Secretary of State, not bad at all. Via the New York Times.
End of an era
Andrew Sullivan writes in New York magazine on Trump’s election: “A country designed to resist tyranny has now embraced it. A constitution designed to prevent democracy taking over everything has now succumbed to it. A country once defined by self-government has openly, clearly, enthusiastically delivered its fate into the hands of one man to do as he sees fit. After 240 years, an idea that once inspired the world has finally repealed itself. We the people did it.”
From both sides now
Rand Paul and John McCain hit Trump’s early attempts at foreign policy from different ends of the Republican Party. (Rudy Giuliani, really?) Via Vox.
Politics v. Policy
Trump takes a strong stand on abortion politics. But when it comes to abortion policy, not so much. Via the Atlantic.
Change of heart
Conservative foreign policy expert/never Trumper: “I told conservatives to work for Trump. One talk with his team changed my mind.” Via the Washington Post.
Hidden warning
In Obama’s upbeat assessment of how the Trump presidency might work, there was also an ominous warning. You may have missed it unless you were listening carefully. Via the New Republic.
How bad, really?
Kathleen Parker: Is Steve Bannon really as bad as all that?(To be determined.) Via the Washington Post.
Take the good with the bad
This may not shock you, but trying to maintain only the popular parts of Obamacare — like forcing insurance companies to insure those with pre-existing conditions — just won’t work. Via the New York Times.
In denial
Trump on possible conflicts of interest as president and billionaire businessman: What conflict of interest? Via the New Yorker.
Unsafe space
View from the right: Rich Lowry writes of the anti-Trump protesters that America is not a safe space. Via the National Review.
YESSSSSSSS!! “Step right up ladies and gentlemen; just one bottle of this magic elixir will cure everything”. The American electorate has lost it’s mind.