Home stretch
Once upon a time, Labor Day was supposed to be the kickoff to the presidential election. Now, says the Cook Political Report’s Amy Walter, it’s more like the third quarter. But maybe we’re better off switching sports and just calling it the home stretch — with Hillary Clinton in the lead, but not exactly pulling away. Via New York magazine.
ERA killer dies
Phyllis Schlafly dies at 92. For those too young to remember her, she’s the person as responsible as anyone for killing the Equal Rights Amendment. Via The New York Times.
Bad news
The latest bad news from the campaign trail: The Washington Post reports that Bill Clinton made nearly $18 million as an “honorary chancellor” for a for-profit college, which wound up on a State Department dinner guest list. And The Post also reports that Donald Trump says he “never spoke to” the Florida attorney general connected to an improper $25,000 Trump Foundation contribution. It wasn’t clear whether Trump meant he had never spoken to Pam Bondi, the attorney general, or that he had never spoken to her about the contribution.
Lip service
See if you can spot a trend here: Donald Trump went to a black church in Detroit and didn’t mention, say, voter fraud or that African-Americans should vote for him because they had nothing to lose. A few days before, he went to Mexico, where he didn’t demand that Mexico pay for the wall or say that he would deport 11 million undocumented immigrants. So, where is the tell-it-like-it-is guy when it counts? Via The Atlantic.
America’s mayor
The question all America is asking: Has Rudy Giuliani lost his mind? Via Politico.
Plan B
From The National Review: What should conservatives do if Hillary Clinton is elected president?
Al Gored
Paul Krugman: How Hillary Clinton is being gored (as in Al Gored). Via The New York Times.
Trump’s labor problem
John Nichols: Trump may be the candidate of the white working class, but at the same time, he is the anti-Labor Day candidate running against fair wages and unions. Via The Nation.
Do it yourself
Why we shouldn’t blame the candidates or even the media for what we don’t know about the issues: You can find anything you want on any issue in a matter of two clicks of the iPhone. Via The Washington Post.
Get hip
We’re as hip as anyone else — well, at least as hip as The New Yorker. So join them for a podcast with Gary Johnson, the Libertarian candidate who has given up pot to run for president.
Photo credit: Gage Skidmore, Creative Commons, Flickr
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