So who is Steve Bannon, the man charged with saving Donald Trump’s faltering campaign? He’s the right-wing firebrand who run the Breitbart news site, once described by Bill Kristol, of all people, as “right-wing, intolerant, mean-spirited news.” Bannon is also, not incidentally, someone who believes a big problem with Trump’s campaign is that Trump just hasn’t been Trumpist enough.
David Remnick quoting Trump: “I am who I am. It’s me. I don’t want to change.” Or as Remnick himself put it, “Oh, Father Coughlin, we hardly knew ye!” Via the New Yorker.
The latest Trump campaign shake-up is about a candidate who has lost his way since winning the GOP nomination. Via the Washignton Post.
The progressive Working Families Party, which had endorsed Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primary, now endorses Clinton. But not all that happily. And with eyes wide open. Via the Nation.
Jonah Goldberg: The new nationalism is basically amounts to the old generic white-identity politics. Via the National Review.
One of the big questions for Clinton has been whether minority voters would turn out for her in the way that they did for Barack Obama. If they do, writes David Frum, you can credit Donald Trump. Via the Atlantic.
As America considers whether to elect its first female president, what Americans rarely consider is the gender gap among its elected representatives. In 1997, America was ranked 52nd in the world for women’s representation. Now we’re No. 97. Via Vox.
Were the four American swimmers in Brazil actually robbed at gunpoint as they charged? In Brazil, they’re not sure. And now it really gets messy. Via the New York Times.
It’s fair to say that John McLaughlin made the whole idea of tough political talk on TV possible. It’s fair to ask, now that he’s gone, whether or not that was a bad thing. Wrong? Via the Daily Beast.
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