How can Donald Trump win the presidency? By convincing everyone to see the same thing that he sees when he looks at Hillary Clinton. This is how he described her at a recent rally: “And she is unhinged. She’s truly unhinged. And she’s unbalanced. Totally unbalanced.” A moment or so later, he added, “In one way, she’s a monster, O.K.?”
If you want to practice good journalism, what do you do when you have a candidate like Trump? Via The New York Times.
One major story of the 2016 presidential campaign has been Trump’s appeal to white working-class voters. But how have these voters been seen? Alec MacGillis writes in The Atlantic that a “barely suppressed contempt has characterized much of the commentary about white woe.”
The polls are bad. The pundits are worse. The prediction markets are cratering. But faithful Trump supporters still say, “I’m with him.” Via The Guardian.
Jonathan Last: Surrender vs. collaboration. McConnell, Ryan and the Donald. Via The Weekly Standard.
Be careful what you promise. When Hillary Clinton ran for the U.S. Senate, she promised 200,000 jobs to upstate New York. Let’s just say she fell a little short. Via The Washington Post.
It took a while – a long while – but when the HIV epidemic hit Indiana, Mike Pence eventually did the right thing and signed an executive order to allow needle exchanges. Via The New York Times.
This lede: “‘Bitch-ass motherfucker, fucking shoot at us,'” a Chicago police officer told the bloodied, dying body of Paul O’Neal, an 18-year-old black man who was, to be clear, unarmed.” Via Vox.
How Katie Ladecky became better at swimming than anyone else is at pretty much anything. Via The Washington Post.
Flickr photo by Susan Dussaman