Nudge nudge
Barack Obama meets today with Bernie Sanders in what will certainly be a preview of the president’s role as nudger-in-chief. He’s taking on the job of finding a way for Sanders to gracefully leave the race. Via The New York Times.
End game
Amy Davidson sees it this way in The New Yorker: Sanders’ big problem as he decides what to do now is that the Democrats will nominate only one person at their convention in Philadelphia — and it’s not Bernie Sanders.
Bernie bros
Those parts of Bernieworld where the #neverHillary crowd is sure Clinton is worse than Trump. Via Slate.
Enough already
Ezra Klein writes in Vox that it’s time to admit that Hillary Clinton is a much better politician than she — or anyone else — will say.
Comeback kid
E.J. Dionne on the five days in 2008 that turned Hillary Clinton into the candidate who would win the 2016 Democratic nomination. Via The Washington Post.
Paul’s purgatory
Paul Ryan’s decision to endorse Donald Trump — and did anyone doubt he would? — has taken him to his own personal purgatory. Via The National Review.
Man up
Here’s what Trump has to say to those Republicans who are starting to panic over his coming nomination: It’s time to man up. Via The New York Times.
Citizen who?
How Donald Trump’s favorite movie explains Donald Trump — even if no one has bothered to explain it to him. Via Politico.
Photo credit: Gage Skidmore, Creative Commons, Flickr