Bad shot
George Zimmerman is auctioning off the gun that he used in shooting and killing Trayvon Martin. It’s hard to know what to say next. Via New York Magazine.
Update, 4 p.m.: Gunbrokers.com, the website hosting the auction, issued a statement this afternoon that said they wanted no part in the auction and have canceled it.
Consider these
In the big Ryan-Trump summit, all Ryan has to consider is party unity, his political agenda and what it all means for a possible presidential run down the road. Oh, and then there’s the Donald. Via The New York Times.
Sold souls
Ryan may also have to worry about his allies at The National Review. Jonah Goldberg writes how Rick Perry and others in the GOP have sold their souls to the devil in backing Trump.
No unity
Washington Post political writer Dan Balz doesn’t see how Trump and the GOP leadership ever make it onto the same page.
Basket case
More Warren v. Trump. Trump calls Warren a “basket case.” Warren tweets, “We get it, @realDonaldTrump: When a woman stands up to you, you’re going to call her a basket case. Hormonal. Ugly.” Via Vox.
Trump effect
The Trump effect is felt in places other than Twitter. Among Latinos, there has been a surge in citizenship applications and also in voter registration. Via The Washington Post.
Enough already
Why can’t Hillary wrap up the nomination already? And how bad is it that she can’t? Via The Atlantic.
Independent run
Some Sanders’ allies are putting together a post-primary plan: for Bernie to make an independent push in bringing his voters to defeat Trump. Via Politico.
Big cases
Four important cases before the Supreme Court this year that no one is talking about. Start with Puerto Rico. Via The New Republic.
Photo credit: Ryan Vaarsi, Creative Commons, Flickr.