Wiretap: 75 percent of women don’t like Donald Trump

Trumping women

Now that the Trump-Cruz battle has been reduced to wife-insulting, allowing Ted Cruz to respond to the latest infamous Trump tweet by calling the Donald a “sniveling coward,” it may be time once again to look at Trump’s favorable/unfavorables among women. According to the latest Washington Post /ABC News poll, 23 percent of women see Trump favorably and 75 percent do not. Is that a problem?

Bad politics

Meanwhile, it’s bad enough that Cruz follows the terror attack in Brussels by saying we need to “patrol and secure” Muslim neighborhoods. But the fact that he thinks it’s good politics for him to say it is much, much worse. Via Vox.

Police state

The Trump-Cruz police state already exists, writes Eli Lake in Bloomberg. It’s called France.

Trump Democrat?

Is there a Trump Democrat ready to desert the party for the Donald? It’s a popular theory, but where’s the evidence for it? Via Slate.

Odd prediction

Scott Walker — remember Scott Walker? – predicts that if the Republicans have an open convention that none of the current candidates, meaning Trump, Cruz or Kasich, would win the nomination. Via Politico.

Long lines

Why did Arizona have such long lines on Election Day? In Phoenix, it’s simple arithmetic. There was one polling place for every 108,000 residents. And it looks like a warning for the 16 states that have in place voting restrictions for Election Day this November. Via The New York Times.

America’s future

Paul Ryan’s speech to a bipartisan group of House interns on What America Can Be. Via The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

Cowardly neutrality

Dana Milbank’s deconstruction of Ryan’s speech and, in Milbank’s words, his “cowardly neutrality.” Via The Washington Post.

Communists or Christians?

In The National Review, they ask this surprising question: Why does the Walt Disney Co. prefer communists to Christians? If you think there’s an actual answer to this question, read on.

Farewell Shandling

Garry Shandling, the comic genius, dies at age 66, leaving us to debate forever whether The Larry Sanders Show was perfect or merely timelessly great. Via The Atlantic.


Photo credit: Gage Skidmore, Creative Commons, Flickr

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  1. Just more fake “polls” to slander Trump. I saw a street video interview and every woman said she hated Hillary and preferred Trump as President.

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