Wiretap: How Bernie Sanders could still win

Sanders hope?

Nate Cohn explains how Bernie Sanders could still somehow pull out a win. Via The New York Times

Defying odds

Whatever else Sanders accomplishes in his surprisingly successful run against Clinton, he has, in the words of New Yorker writer John Cassidy, “defied the pundits, alarmed the comfortable, and inspired the young.”

Backing Clinton

The New York Times reports that Barack Obama has privately told Democratic donors that it’s getting time to unite behind Hillary Clinton and concentrate on Donald Trump.

Too big

Barney Frank writes in a Washington Post op-ed the problem with Sanders’ too-big-to-fail mantra.

No plan

Conservative anti-Trump activists meet urgently in Washington and come away with no plan to stop him. Among considerations, though, are a convention fight (you’ve heard that) and a third-party run. Via Time.

Graham’s compromise

This is how much Lindsey Graham dislikes Donald Trump: Graham’s endorsing Ted Cruz, whom he openly despises. Via New York Magazine.

Party differences

If you need a primer on how the Democratic and Republican parties differ, you have only to look at, on one hand, the Merrick Garland nomination and, on the other, the likelihood of a Donald Trump nomination. Via Vox.

Menace to society

Charles Krauthammer sees the protesters at the Trump rally in Chicago and Trump himself as pretty much equals in their menace to American society. Via The Washington Post.

About time

John Kerry finally calls ISIS “genocidal.” Adam Chandler explains in The Atlantic what took Kerry so long.


Photo credit: Phil Roeder, Creative Commons, Flickr

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