Political consultants, direct mail firms and the TV stations that run campaign ads won’t be the only ones making some coin off the big U.S. Senate race in Colorado this year. It looks like the U.S. Postal Service might get a cut, too, with rival campaigns mailing each other copies of the pocket Constitution.
Republican Jon Keyser’s U.S. Senate campaign on Monday hit back at a postal service stunt from the Colorado Democratic Party with, well, a postal service stunt of their own.
The campaign had received a mailed copy of the pocket Constitution the Dems sent Friday with portions highlighted about the U.S. Senate’s role in the process of nominating a Supreme Court justice to the bench. Following the unexpected death of conservative Associate Justice Antonin Scalia, Keyser said he is backing Republican Senate leaders who want the next president to fill the vacancy, not President Barack Obama. The Democrats’ basic point is, if you want to be a U.S. senator, do your job and vote on a nominee.
But on Monday, the Keyser campaign fired back, highlighting a passage of the pocket Constitution and including commentary from high-profile Democrats who have opined on the nomination process in the past.
The comments include hypothetical remarks from Democratic Vice President Joe Biden in 1992 as a U.S. Senator saying George H. W. Bush should “not name a nominee until after the November election is completed.”
A comment from Obama himself states his previous support for filibustering the nomination of Justice Samuel Alito in 2006. In recent days, Obama has said he regrets that decision. Go figure.
Also included in the letter are comments from Democratic U.S. Sen. Chuck Schumer who in 2007 recommended the Senate not confirm another Bush nominee.
Keyser, a former member of the Colorado House, stepped down to become one of the dozen-or-so Republicans battling it out for a chance to take on Democrat Michael Bennet in the fall. With the March 1 caucuses happening next week, the race hasn’t hit its stride just yet.
But, hey, it seems like it is keeping the postman busy.
[Photo credit: joel hay via Creative Commons on Flickr]