Wiretap: GOP ponders who’s worse — Cruz or Trump

Who’s worse?

We’re a week and a half from the Iowa caucuses and war has broken out in the Republican Party over who is the greater threat — front runner Donald Trump or front runner Ted Cruz. Via The New York Times.


The National Review leads the anti-Trump charge with an editorial that closes this way: “Donald Trump is a menace to American conservatism who would take the work of generations and trample it underfoot in behalf of a populism as heedless and crude as the Donald himself.”

Cover story

Here’s The National Review’s anti-Trump cover, via Vox.

Trump trumping?

Why the Republican establishment prefers the idea of President Trump to the idea of President Cruz – and it’s not just because no one in Washington likes Cruz, but that doesn’t hurt. Two takes via The Washington Post.

Must see

Stephen Colbert gives us his version of a Sarah Palin endorsement. It. Must. Be. Seen. And The Washington Post has it posted.

Big choice

Doyle McManus writes that Democrats must decide between a revolutionary and a pragmatist and says the big question is whether Clinton can win by saying of Sanders’s platform: “No, we can’t – not all of it anyway.” Via The Los Angeles Times.

Changing tactics

Clinton changes her tone on Sanders. The hard sell didn’t sell all that well. Via Politico.

No attack

No, Sanders wasn’t attacking Planned Parenthood or the Human Rights Campaign. Via The New Republic.

Who’s winning?

A rundown of the polls in Iowa and New Hampshire: Who’s really winning? Via The New York Times.

Turn back

Simon Jenkins writes in The Guardian why Britain should not turn its back on the refugees. The column works in exactly the same way if he had written it about the United States.


Photo credit: DonkeyHotey, Creative Commons, Flickr

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