Wiretap: Who cares about the national debt?

National debt

The main thing to understand about the Paul Ryan compromise with Democrats on the new budget deal is that, with $700 billion added to the tab, neither party seems to really care about the national debt. Via Vox.

Hung jury

Justice in the first of six trials of Baltimore cops in the death of Freddie Gray means a hung jury and a mistrial. What comes next? Via The New York Times.

They’re back

Frank Bruni: Democratic Debate III is coming this Saturday night. Once again Democrats seem to hoping nobody will watch. Via The New York Times.

Principle free

Amy Davidson: It was a principle-free GOP debate, if you don’t count carpet bombing as a principle. Via The New Yorker.

Just words?

Fareed Zakariah: What does saying the words “radical Islamic terrorism” have to do with defeating actual radical Islamic terrorists? Via The Washington Post.

Fearful bunch

Gail Collins: Fear and loathing and the GOP debaters. Who wins. Via The New York Times.

Foreign policy

The Trump foreign policy and the Cruz foreign policy sound very little like the traditional Republican foreign policy of George W. Bush or even that of Ronald Reagan. Is this where the party is headed? Via The National Journal.

Unclear lines

If you’re confused by where either Rubio or Cruz stands In the great debate on immigration, writes Byron York, that’s because Rubio and Cruz want you to be. Via The Washington Examiner.

Fact check

Why is the FBI saying that that The New York Times got it wrong when it wrote that San Bernardino killer Tashfeen Malik “talked openly on social media about her views on violent jihad”? Could it be because The Times got it wrong? The Times says it is checking. Via The Washington Post.

Shot down

If you want an idea how wrong Scalia and Thomas have it on gun control, just check your history books. Guns, it seems, have always been regulated. Via The Atlantic.


Photo credit: Zack McCarthy, Creative Commons, Flickr

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