Local control
We can regulate guns at the local level, too. Even the Supreme Court says so, if you don’t count Clarence Thomas and Antonin Scalia. That’s what they’ve done in Highland Park, Illinois. Via The New York Times.
Stronger laws
Most Americans now support stronger gun laws. But don’t expect that to last for very long. Via Mother Jones.
Total control
The gun debate doesn’t have to be all or nothing, does it? Well, does it? Via The Washington Post.
No impact
Fact Checker: Marco Rubio is right when he says that no recent mass shootings would have been prevented by gun laws. Via The Washington Post.
Hate all
When it comes to Donald Trump, I hate everyone. Via The Federalist.
Attack back
What happens when you attack Trump? According to this focus group of Trump supporters, it just makes his support stronger. Via The Washington Post.
Shaky alliance
New survey casts doubt on Latino loyalty to Democrats. Via Vox.
Break rules
How do you cure cancer? Here’s one way: By letting doctors break all the rules. Via The New Yorker.