Wiretap: Why Obama isn’t afraid of ISIS

Avoiding doomsday

U.S. strategy against ISIS: Knowing that the Islamic State wants a ground war with the United States in order to fulfill a prophecy for a victory in an apocalyptic battle against the West. Via The New York Times.

No fear

Why Obama isn’t afraid of ISIS: He and the Republicans see terrorism very differently. Via The Atlantic.

But how?

The FBI says the San Bernardino killers had been radicalized “for some time,” but officials are still trying to find out how and when. Via The Washington Post.

It’s enough

It’s always tempting, but stop tying unrelated issues to terrorist attacks. Terrorism is a sufficient issue unto itself. Via Real Clear Politics.

Weak poll

You know the poll that Trump is citing on Muslims and how much they hate America. Well, it may not be all Trump claims it to be. Via The National Journal.

Too far

Trump wants to ban Muslims, but his GOP rivals say he has finally gone too far. Via The New York Times.

Doors open

Congress is very unlikely to meet the budget deadline. But that doesn’t mean that the government is headed for a shutdown. Via Politico.

Tough Fox

How to get suspended from Fox News: It’s easier than you think. Via New York Magazine.

Stupid debate

How The National Review sees the gun-control debate: A matter of stupidity, laziness and corruption.


Photo credit: Mannhai, Creative Commons, Flickr

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  1. His inaction says otherwise, he’s terrified of offending Muslims. To the 50% of muslim Americans who want Sharia as the law of the land, fuck you!

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