Motive uncertain
Even as the FBI looks at the San Bernardino massacre as a potential terrorist act, the motive still remains uncertain. Via The Washington Post.
Not terrorism
Why the FBI isn’t calling the San Bernardino shootings terrorism. Via The Atlantic.
Down under
How the laws changed in Australia after a gun massacre. And how everything else changed, too. Via The New York Times.
The facts
The simple truth about gun control. And why we refuse to face up to it. Via The New Yorker.
Above board
Where the guns come from in the large-scale murders. And how they’re nearly always purchased legally. Via The New York Times.
Changing stories
How Republican reaction to San Bernardino changed when terrorism potentially became part of the narrative. Via Vox.
Blue to red
What it would take to turn blue states red and move the electoral college to the Republicans. Via fivethirtyeight.com.
Fighting oligarchy
Robert Reich, challenging the oligarchy. Via Paul Krugman, writing in The New York Review of Books.
Ed Schipul, Creative Commons, Flickr.