Stopping ISIS
Everyone agrees that something must be done about ISIS. But the question of what exactly to do is not at all clear. The New York Times asked a range of experts, who agreed on a couple of things: Syria’s civil war must come to an end, and there must be a long-term strategy to deal with Islamic extremism.
Ramp up
Richard Clarke writes in the New York Daily News that Obama has to escalate the war — and up the stakes — on ISIS.
Refugee pose
The mystery of the terrorist with the fake passport who apparently came to Europe posing as a refugee. Via The Washington Post.
Cafe defiance
In Paris, they’re back at the cafes. This time in defiance. Via The New York Times.
Knowledge gap
Even Ben Carson’s team admits that Ben Carson doesn’t know anything about foreign policy. Does it matter to his supporters? Via The New York Times.
Surprise role
The surprising — to many of us, anyway — role of Belgium in the terrorist attack on France. Via The Atlantic.
Another attacker
French officials think that there may be yet another Paris attacker still at large. Via The Los Angeles Times.
Vive Oliver
Vive John Oliver, via The New Yorker, as Oliver explains on his HBO show why the French will defeat “the assholes.” Oliver: “France is going to endure. And I’ll tell you why. If you are in a war of culture and life style with France, good fucking luck!”
Drop out
Just in case anyone cares, Bobby Jindal is the latest Republican to drop out of the race. Via Politico.
Powerful asset
Hillary Clinton’s greatest asset may also be her greatest liability. Via The Nation.