Defining conservative
The real debate among those competing in the GOP presidential sweepstakes: What it means to be a conservative. If you watched the Milwaukee debate, you heard a long list of possible answers. Via The New York Times.
Taboo topic
Watching Republicans discuss the 2008 financial crisis is a good reminder of why Republicans don’t like to talk about the 2008 financial crisis. Via Politico.
Unequal states
Rand Paul is right: The most economically unequal states are Democratic. Via The Washington Post.
Divergent critiques
Republicans agree that Hillary Clinton is bad for America and would be a terrible president. They just don’t agree on why. Via The New Republic.
Pro life
Just to be clear, Ben Carson wouldn’t have aborted Hitler. Yes, someone actually asked. Via Vox.
Campus race
Jelani Cobb writes in The New Yorker of race on campus and what he calls the free-speech diversion.
Blurry lines
Nicholas Kristof writes in The New York Times that the places where the issues of race and free speech intersect are never as clear cut as some would make them.
Explain yourself
The Missourian on professor’s apology and resignation of her “courtesy appointment,” but not her job.
Photo credit: Just Some Dust, Creative Commons, Flickr.